Welcome To My Journey

I have created this blog to record the things I learn as I progress in my studies of the Windows Operating System. My focus will primarily be the latest Operating System offerings by Microsoft, but much of the content below may also apply to earlier versions. I invite you to join me as I explore and learn about Microsoft Windows!

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Active Directory Structure - The Basics

In the two videos below, I discuss the basics of the directory structure within Active Directory, addressing concepts of uniqueness within a domain.  I explain the basic concepts related to Distinguished Names and Relative Distinguished Names, as well as showing how to use various tools to learn more about Active Directory objects and their attributes.

Part 1

Part 2

Tools used in this video:

  1. Active Directory Users and Computers – the default tool provided for administrators working with AD objects
  2. ADSI Edit – a more in-depth editor for Active Directory objects.  It grants access to the different naming partitions within AD, including the Domain Naming, Configuration and Schema partitions, as well as RootDSE

To learn more about these tools, see the following articles:

In the next series, I’ll begin to show some of the command-line utilities used to administer Active Directory. 

Until then…